Sunday, 6 April 2014

SQL Coding Guidelines - I

General Guidelines

Each Procedure should have header information
»File Name
»Procedure Name
Procedure should be easily readable.

Code Indentation should be maintained properly (Use tab space for indentation).
               SELECT name into name_tmp
               FROM emp
               WHERE empcode     =     empcode_tmp
               AND       sal               =     10000


Use simple logic in procedures
When a complex logic is used, explain the logic with proper comments or pseudo code.
When  modifications are done in the procedure, modification details should be added. Add these details just above the code being modified
/* Modified by: <Name of the person> */
/* Modified Date: < Date of modification > */
/* Bug No: <No of the bug for which the modification is done> */
/* Bug Description: <Short description of the bug> */
Comments should specify why the coding is done.  Avoid using &, @, “;” “:”, and full stop at beginning of a new line in comments. 

nLength of the database object names, variable names should not exceed 25 characters.
Table Name, Stored Procedure name, View name, User defined data type name etc.
nDeclaration of all the local variables should be done at the beginning of the procedure.
nAlways use Standard UDD’s for declaring local variables
nProcedure/ Function parameter’s UDD should match with that of the method parameters.
nUDD of the variables declared within the stored procedures/ functions should match with that of the underlying columns of the table.

nNames of local variables should be meaningful as per the context.
nReserved words like ROLE, DATE, DELETE should not be used for object names and variable names.
nvariables should not start with a number or a special character like @2position
nLTRIM, RTRIM should be done for all parameters and variables
nWhere necessary convert a character data to UPPER case and store in a separate procedure
nLTRIM, RTRIM, UPPER should not be used as part of the WHERE clause of a query
nLTRIM / RTRIM / UPPER should not be used for date / integer fields
nLTRIM / RTRIM / UPPER should not be used against a table column in a where clause of a SELECT query
nConvert the table column values to UPPER or TRIM the value before storing the same in the table – before INSERT

  SELECT emp_no, emp_name, dept_name
  FROM employee e, department d
  WHERE e.dept = d.dept
  AND e.employee_name = UPPER(@param1)
  AND d.dept_name = UPPER(@param2)
  /* Above two lines are not the recommended way of using functions */
  /* The same holds good for RTRIM, LTRIM etc. */
  /* Optimizer may not use the index */


  SELECT @param1 = UPPER(@param1)
  SELECT @param2 = UPPER(@param2)
  SELECT emp_no, emp_name, dept_name
  FROM employee e, department d
  WHERE e.dept = d.dept
  AND e.employee_name = @param1
  AND d.dept_name = @param2
  /* Here the parameters are already converted into UPPER and stored */


  SELECT @param1 = UPPER(@param1)
  SELECT @param2 = UPPER(@param2)
  SELECT emp_no, emp_name, dept_name
  FROM employee e, department d
  WHERE e.dept = d.dept
  AND UPPER(e.employee_name) = @param1
  AND UPPER(d.dept_name) = @param2
  /* Do not use UPPER against table column */
  /* INSERT / UPDATE statement that saved data should have converted the values to UPPER and saved */


nUse Is Null and Is Not Null operators to check the null conditions.
                   SELECT  ecode, ename
                   FROM emp
                   where name = null
        SELECT  ecode, ename
                   FROM emp
                   where name Is Null


nDo not use SET operator for assigning local variables, use SELECT instead.
      Not Recommended
     SET @transaction_no_tmp = 1
       SELECT  @transaction_no_tmp = 1


nString literals in single quotes should be in upper case.
nAll database object names, variable names should be in lower case letters.
nAll Keywords, reserve words should be in upper case letters
nAll DML statements should be in upper case


nUse parenthesis for complex arithmetic and logical expressions or statements
nHash (#) temp tables should not be used. Creation of # tables increases the disk I/O. Instead We can use Views, Table variable, Derived tables and advanced SQL.
nSELECT INTO statement should not be used inside the procedure. This is a DDL statement. DBA would set the database permission not to allow SELECT INTO
nInstead use a permanent temporary table and Insert the records into the temporary table

nFor temporary tables, there should be a column called GUID. GUID column should be a NOT NULL column in the table.
nWhen permanent temporary tables are used, then delete should be done for the respective GUID before and after the processing.
nIn all stored procedures referred by report, dcube, view screens should have NOLOCK.


nAll SELECT statement should have NOLOCK table hint. (Wherever dirty reads does not effect the transaction).  
      Not Recommended
   SELECT cust_name, cust_add, cust_phone_no
              FROM customer a, address b
              WHERE a.cust_id = b.cust_id
             SELECT cust_name, cust_add, cust_phone_no
             FROM customer a (nolock), address b (nolock)
  WHERE a.cust_id = b.cust_id
nAvoid joining more than 5 tables in a single select statement.


nDatabase name, server name, user name should not be hard coded in the procedures.
nDo not return values from stored procedures like functions.
nUse output variables instead to return values to the caller.
nOutput variables to be checked in all the calling procedures
nRAISERROR should be followed by a return statement 

nDo not compare fields of different data types
nAvoid while loops if the same can be achieved using table joins.
nUse SET NOCOUNT ON at the beginning of  SQL batches, stored procedures and triggers
nThis suppresses messages like '(1 row(s) affected)' after executing INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE and SELECT statements.
nThis improves the performance of stored procedures by reducing network traffic. This is also a MUST in RVW Coding

nTry Avoiding functions in where clause / Select Statements.
         Not Recommended
           SELECT  ename, eage, esal
           FROM     employee
           WHERE   LTRIM(ecode)  = LTRIM(@param1)
  SELECT @param1 = LTRIM(@param1)
   SELECT  ename, eage, esal
              FROM     employee
              WHERE   ecode    = @param1

nE.g. comparing a date field in table with GETDATE() can be done after assigning the GETDATE() value to a temporary variable and using it in the query
    Not Recommended
        SELECT ename, eage, esal
        FROM     employee
        WHERE   joining_date   < getdate()
        SELECT @date_tmp = getdate()
      SELECT ename, eage, esal
        FROM     employee
        WHERE   joining_date   < @date_tmp

nThis is to be avoided as the function is executed for each and every row selected / executed in the WHERE / SELECT.
nEnsure that all the major keys will be part of the WHERE clause.
nWHERE clause should contain the column names in order of the index created on the table.
        e.g.,  Index of Employee table is empid, deptid
        Not Recommended
                SELECT   empid,ename,esal
               FROM      employee
               WHERE   depid   =   ‘D01’
               AND         empid  =   ‘E0010’
                SELECT   empid,ename,esal
               FROM      employee
               WHERE   empid  =   ‘E0010’
  AND         depid   =   ‘D01’

nWhere clause of a SELECT statement should include the index column from major key onwards
e.g.,  Index on Employee_family table is empid, Srl_no, family_member_name
        Not Recommended – Index wont be used by query optimizer
              SELECT   empid,ename, family_member_name
               FROM   Employee_family
               WHERE   srl_no   = 1
               AND family_member_name =   ‘Sudha’
              SELECT   empid,ename , family_member_name
               FROM Employee_family
               WHERE   empid  =   ‘E0010’
        AND srl_no   = 1
               AND family_member_name =   ‘Sudha’ 


nNegative logic (Eg : !=, <>, not in) always results in a table/index scan unless the query is covered by the index covering.
Not Recommended
SELECT empname, deptid
FROM employee
WHERE deptid NOT IN (‘HR’, ‘ADMIN’)
SELECT empname, deptid
FROM employee
WHERE deptid  IN (‘EDP’, ‘ACCTS’)
nReplace inequality operator in the search argument with alternate operators.

EX :
(1)  SELECT   *  
  FROM   orders
  WHERE    price != 0  
      instead use
   SELECT   *
   FROM orders
   WHERE price > 0
 (2)  SELECT  * FROM orders
   WHERE price * 2 <  500
      instead use 
      SELECT *
        FROM orders
      WHERE price <  250

nUse joins wherever possible, instead of using       sub-queries.
    Not Recommended
       SELECT cust_name, cust_total_purchase
       FROM     customer
       WHERE  cust_id in (   SELECT cust_id
           FROM     customer_sales
        SELECT cust_name, cust_total_purchase
        FROM     customer a, customer_sales b
        WHERE   a.cust_id    =    b.cust_id