Tuesday, 15 April 2014

Basic SQL

Primary Key Constraint
Unique Key Constraint
Foreign Key Constraint
Not Null Constraint
Check Constraint

A Constraint is a property that we can assign to column in table. 
What is Primary Key?
             Primary key constraint is used to uniquely identify each record in database table. It won’t allow repetition or duplication of data. Each table is having only one primary key constraint and it contains only unique values. Primary key constraint doesn’t accept null values.
Right click the student table and set primary key

It is look like 

Primary key constraint doesn’t accept null values.

Very often we would like the value of the primary key field to be created automatically every time a new record is inserted.
We would like to create an auto-increment field in a table.

Query Level

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[tblStudent](
[StudId] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[StudName] [varchar](20) NULL,
[Class] [int] NULL,
[StudId] ASC

The primary key created for the StudId column will create a clustered index for the Studid column. A table can have only one clustered index on it.
When creating the clustered index, SQL server 2008 reads the id column and forms a Binary tree on it. This binary tree information is then stored separately in the disc. Expand the table Student and then expand the Indexes. You will see

Unique Key Constraint
Unique Key enforces uniqueness of the column on which they are defined. Unique Key creates a non-clustered index on the column. Unique Key allows only one NULL Value.
CREATE TABLE Persons(P_Id int NOT NULL UNIQUE,LastName varchar(255) NOT NULL,FirstName varchar(255),Address varchar(255),City varchar(255))

Foreign key constraint
A Foreign key in one table point to primary key in another table. The foreign key constraint is used to prevent the actions that would destroy the links between two tables.
NOT NULL Constraint
The NOT NULL constraint enforces a field to always contain a value. This means that you cannot insert a new record, or update a record without adding a value to this field.

Check Constraint

The CHECK constraint is used to limit the value range that can be placed in a column.
If you define a CHECK constraint on a single column it allows only certain values for this column.
    code        char(8)       NOT NULL,
    valid       int           NOT NULL,
    rowid       numeric(10,0) IDENTITY,
    CONSTRAINT brand_pk PRIMARY KEY (code),
 -- The following UNIQUE constraint lets the pair of values be
-- the target of  a foreign key reference.
    CONSTRAINT brand_is_valid UNIQUE (code, valid),
 CONSTRAINT valid_check CHECK (valid IN (0,1))

CREATE TABLE product (
    code        char(8)       NOT NULL,
    valid       int           NOT NULL,
 -- The column "code" is a PK in the referenced table, so this still works. It's
    -- a 1:0 or 1:1 relationship.
    CONSTRAINT product_pk PRIMARY KEY (code),
 -- The next constraint requires a unique constraint on the pair of
    -- columns in the table "brand".  By itself, it references every row
    -- in "brand". That's too many rows.
CONSTRAINT product_fk FOREIGN KEY (code, valid)
 REFERENCES brand (code, valid),
 -- But this constraint restricts the foreign key references to only those
-- rows that have valid = 1 in the table "brand".
    CHECK (valid = 1)

Brand Table Values

Check Constraint
Table name Brand
CONSTRAINT valid_check CHECK (valid IN (0,1))

 Example Condition :
CHECK (id BETWEEN 100 and 9999)
CHECK (name = upper(name))

The DELETE statement conflicted with the REFERENCE constraint "product_fk". The conflict occurred in database "SampleDB", table "dbo.product".
The statement has been terminated.
How to delete Brand table value?

  • First Delete product table row.
  • After Delete Brand table value.