Saturday, 22 February 2014

Linq using Orderby

This sample uses orderby and ascending to sort a list of String from lowest to highest .

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;

namespace SampleLinq
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)

        private static void OrderByLinQ()
            List<string> objlist = new List<string> { "Sriram", "TMS", "Ajmal", "Abdul", "Azeez", "Retheesh", "Guru", "Bala", "das" };

            var sortedWords = from w in objlist
                              orderby w
                              select w;

            Console.WriteLine("The sorted list of words:");
            foreach (var w in sortedWords)

This sample uses orderby and descending to sort a list of doubles from highest to lowest.

        private static void OrderByLinQ()
            List<string> objlist = new List<string> { "Sriram", "TMS", "Ajmal", "Abdul", "Azeez", "Retheesh", "Guru", "Bala", "das" };

            var sortedWords = from w in objlist
                              orderby w descending
                              select w;

            Console.WriteLine("The sorted list of words:");
            foreach (var w in sortedWords)