Sunday 9 February 2014

Build Automation in TFS 2010

This article demonstrates how to generate automated builds using Team Foundation Server and Team Builds.  

Step 1: Click Start Button
Step 2 : Select Team Foundation Administration Console.
Team Foundation Administration Console.

Step 3: Create a new collection.
Step 4: Here we can create Agents. 
Step 5: Every Agent is under the Team server

Step 6: Click Properties.
Open a Properties window    -> Here you will select “Build Controller Service is Enabled”
Next click OK button.

Step 7: Click Group Member.
Open a list of  Global Groups names are display.
Step 8: Start MS-Visual Studio 2010.
Open Team Explorer.
Select Build
Go to  New Build Definition.

Step 9: General :
Name is Your Build Definitions name.
Description (optional). 
Step 10: When you want build that details are give here.
Step 11: Five kind of builds are available.

Step 12: status : mode set Active
Step 13: You give your Project path.
Step 14:Build Agent folder is $(sourceDir).

Step 15:Create a folder in C:\ that folder name
Step 16:\\temp\share.


 Build your Own Definition
Here you can give priority of your build

Your build is running Now
Your build is succeeded.  
Click Open Drop Folder (there your build version is save in this path).
My Server Path is: \\temp\share\Your Build Name\Your Build Name_20110811.8\_PublishedWebsites\AutoTFS

Your  build version folder

Team Foundation Server (TFS)

  • Microsoft product which offers source control, data collection, reporting, and project tracking
  • Intended for collaborative software development projects
  • Available either as stand-alone software, or as the server side back end platform for Visual Studio Team System (VSTS)

Team Build

  • Build server included with TFS
  • Can be used by developers to do a complete build of the most recent versions of the software contained in source control
  • Analyzes what changes have been made to in source control since the last successful build
  • Updates any work items to indicate that progress has been made