Tuesday 2 May 2017

Get mobile no using Client object model

// Ensure that the SP.UserProfiles.js file is loaded before the custom code runs.
var userProfileProperties;
SP.SOD.executeFunc('SP.js', 'SP.ClientContext', function() {
   // Make sure PeopleManager is available
   SP.SOD.executeFunc('userprofile', 'SP.UserProfiles.PeopleManager', function() {
       // get the target users domain name and account name.
    var targetUser = "i:0#.f|membership|inspiredata@gbtmarketingreview.onmicrosoft.com";

    // Get the current client context.
    var clientContext = new SP.ClientContext.get_current();
    //Get PeopleManager Instance
    var peopleManager = new SP.UserProfiles.PeopleManager(clientContext);

    // Get the properties to retrieve
    var profilePropertyNames = ["AccountName", "FirstName","LastName","Assistant", "Office","Personal site","WorkPhone", "Mobilephone","CellPhone","Fax","Department" ];
    var userProfilePropertiesForUser = new SP.UserProfiles.UserProfilePropertiesForUser(

    // Get user profile properties for the target user
    userProfileProperties =peopleManager.getUserProfilePropertiesFor(userProfilePropertiesForUser);
    // Load the UserProfilePropertiesForUser object.
    //Execute the Query
    clientContext.executeQueryAsync(onRequestSuccess, onRequestFail);


// This function runs if the executeQueryAsync call succeeds.

function onRequestSuccess() {
    var messageText = "\" AccountName \" property is "
    + userProfileProperties[0];
    messageText += "
\" FirstName \" property is "
    + userProfileProperties[1];
    messageText += "
\" LastName \" property is "
    + userProfileProperties[2];
    messageText += "
\" Assistant \" property is "
    + userProfileProperties[3];
    messageText += "
\" Office \" property is "
    + userProfileProperties[4];
    messageText += "
\" Personal site \" property is "
    + userProfileProperties[5];
    messageText += "
\" HomePhone \" property is "
    + userProfileProperties[6];
    messageText += "
\" Mobilephone \" property is "
    + userProfileProperties[7];
    messageText += "
\" CellPhone \" property is "
    + userProfileProperties[8];
    messageText += "
\" Fax \" property is "
    + userProfileProperties[9];
    messageText += "
\" Department \" property is "
    + userProfileProperties[10];
    $get("Display").innerHTML = messageText;

// This function runs if the executeQueryAsync call fails.

function onRequestFail(sender, args) {
    $get("Display").innerHTML = "Error: " + args.get_message();